
Basic statistics

Score88,237#118 of 58,178
Money$6,109,717#59 of 3,704
Highscore leaderboard points575#124 of 1,435
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak6#93 of 58,178
Wins - total2,662#140 of 58,178
Wins - percentage18.5%#376 of 3,704
2nd2,523 (17.5%)
3rd1,807 (12.5%)
4th1,340 (9.3%)
5th1,002 (7%)
Other3,369 (23.4%)
Total finishes12,703#110 of 58,178
DNF - total1,700#189 of 58,178
DNF - percentage11.8%#2,059 of 3,704

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race552.4#128 of 58,178
Time Trial21.6#408 of 58,178
Stunt30.9#127 of 58,178
TV105.4#107 of 58,178
AFK61.2#101 of 58,178
Deathmatch6.1#43 of 58,178
Total798.5#138 of 58,178
