
Basic statistics

Score160,122#46 of 58,746
Money$7,012,643#47 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points20#623 of 1,426
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak2#502 of 58,746
Wins - total4,815#72 of 58,746
Wins - percentage23.3%#306 of 3,709
2nd3,678 (17.8%)
3rd2,813 (13.6%)
4th1,998 (9.7%)
5th1,470 (7.1%)
Other5,309 (25.7%)
Total finishes20,083#55 of 58,746
DNF - total539#523 of 58,746
DNF - percentage2.6%#2,950 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race66.3#830 of 58,746
Time Trial0.3#2888 of 58,746
Stunt5.7#431 of 58,746
TV4.4#798 of 58,746
AFK0.6#2152 of 58,746
Deathmatch0.1#1132 of 58,746
Total78.9#905 of 58,746
