
Basic statistics

Score185,092#37 of 58,746
Money$6,503,134#53 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points324#160 of 1,426
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak13#18 of 58,746
Wins - total7,185#44 of 58,746
Wins - percentage41.3%#91 of 3,709
2nd3,812 (21.9%)
3rd2,118 (12.2%)
4th1,363 (7.8%)
5th914 (5.3%)
Other1,199 (6.9%)
Total finishes16,591#74 of 58,746
DNF - total787#381 of 58,746
DNF - percentage4.5%#2,779 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race334.8#232 of 58,746
Time Trial17.5#456 of 58,746
Stunt6.9#375 of 58,746
TV106.1#108 of 58,746
AFK4.2#770 of 58,746
Deathmatch1.6#157 of 58,746
Total478.8#241 of 58,746
