
Basic statistics

Score36,118#310 of 58,275
Money$2,716,058#174 of 3,704
Highscore leaderboard points10#849 of 1,434
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak4#198 of 58,275
Wins - total1,041#273 of 58,275
Wins - percentage27.5%#241 of 3,704
2nd795 (21%)
3rd552 (14.6%)
4th357 (9.4%)
5th256 (6.8%)
Other598 (15.8%)
Total finishes3,599#452 of 58,275
DNF - total187#1,185 of 58,275
DNF - percentage4.9%#2,733 of 3,704

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race24.8#1581 of 58,275
Time Trial2.2#1360 of 58,275
Stunt5.6#435 of 58,275
TV0.6#2080 of 58,275
AFK6.3#583 of 58,275
Deathmatch0#2488 of 58,275
Total41.8#1368 of 58,275
