
Basic statistics

Score493,060#2 of 57,705
Money$36,110,820#3 of 3,699
Highscore leaderboard points1,260#85 of 1,458
Top 1 highscores1#152 of 179

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak10#30 of 57,705
Wins - total18,138#14 of 57,705
Wins - percentage28.3%#221 of 3,699
2nd10,894 (17%)
3rd7,601 (11.9%)
4th5,479 (8.6%)
5th4,138 (6.5%)
Other14,357 (22.4%)
Total finishes60,607#4 of 57,705
DNF - total3,414#68 of 57,705
DNF - percentage5.3%#2,696 of 3,699

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race1440.9#33 of 57,705
Time Trial54.8#200 of 57,705
Stunt25.4#145 of 57,705
TV332#45 of 57,705
AFK116#55 of 57,705
Deathmatch2.7#96 of 57,705
Total2012.6#45 of 57,705
