
Basic statistics

Score22,875#464 of 58,746
Money$1,143,823#417 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points26#528 of 1,426
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak2#502 of 58,746
Wins - total456#487 of 58,746
Wins - percentage11.6%#554 of 3,709
2nd596 (15.2%)
3rd456 (11.6%)
4th352 (9%)
5th309 (7.9%)
Other1,257 (32%)
Total finishes3,426#471 of 58,746
DNF - total498#557 of 58,746
DNF - percentage12.7%#1,956 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race90.4#671 of 58,746
Time Trial2.7#1233 of 58,746
Stunt0.1#3751 of 58,746
TV3.5#899 of 58,746
AFK0.8#1851 of 58,746
Deathmatch0#3249 of 58,746
Total98.2#775 of 58,746
