Statistic | Value | Rank |
Score | 11,185 | #790 of 57,922 |
Money | $298,011 | #1,181 of 3,701 |
Highscore leaderboard points | 621 | #120 of 1,450 |
Top 1 highscores | 1 | #123 of 182 |
Statistic | Value | Rank |
Longest win streak | 1 | #1,157 of 57,922 |
Wins - total | 812 | #332 of 57,922 |
Wins - percentage | 33.7% | #160 of 3,701 |
2nd | 536 (22.2%) | |
3rd | 229 (9.5%) | |
4th | 97 (4%) | |
5th | 53 (2.2%) | |
Other | 51 (2.1%) | |
Total finishes | 1,778 | #808 of 57,922 |
DNF - total | 633 | #465 of 57,922 |
DNF - percentage | 26.3% | #583 of 3,701 |
Mode | Time (hours) | Rank |
Race | 166.1 | #419 of 57,922 |
Time Trial | 66.5 | #164 of 57,922 |
Stunt | 7.8 | #348 of 57,922 |
TV | 33.7 | #243 of 57,922 |
AFK | 39.7 | #155 of 57,922 |
Deathmatch | 0 | #2485 of 57,922 |
Other | 2.7 | |
Total | 316.6 | #328 of 57,922 |