Basic statistics

Score10,434#825 of 58,791
Money$586,195#733 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points205#201 of 1,428
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak1#1,160 of 58,791
Wins - total675#376 of 58,791
Wins - percentage29.8%#205 of 3,709
2nd569 (25.1%)
3rd348 (15.4%)
4th154 (6.8%)
5th88 (3.9%)
Other73 (3.2%)
Total finishes1,907#769 of 58,791
DNF - total358#722 of 58,791
DNF - percentage15.8%#1,572 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race148.4#464 of 58,791
Time Trial110.7#113 of 58,791
Stunt1#1301 of 58,791
TV23.3#307 of 58,791
AFK3.5#866 of 58,791
Deathmatch0#3249 of 58,791
Total290.1#351 of 58,791
