Statistic | Value | Rank |
Score | 32,378 | #337 of 58,178 |
Money | $34,430 | #5,335 of 3,704 |
Highscore leaderboard points | 2,271 | #64 of 1,435 |
Top 1 highscores | 12 | #41 of 167 |
Statistic | Value | Rank |
Longest win streak | 4 | #197 of 58,178 |
Wins - total | 2,448 | #145 of 58,178 |
Wins - percentage | 28% | #234 of 3,704 |
2nd | 1,214 (13.9%) | |
3rd | 631 (7.2%) | |
4th | 285 (3.3%) | |
5th | 156 (1.8%) | |
Other | 184 (2.1%) | |
Total finishes | 4,918 | #334 of 58,178 |
DNF - total | 3,823 | #55 of 58,178 |
DNF - percentage | 43.7% | #46 of 3,704 |
Mode | Time (hours) | Rank |
Race | 442 | #170 of 58,178 |
Time Trial | 424.6 | #25 of 58,178 |
Stunt | 15.9 | #221 of 58,178 |
TV | 276.2 | #53 of 58,178 |
AFK | 23.4 | #233 of 58,178 |
Deathmatch | 0.8 | #290 of 58,178 |
Other | 10.9 | |
Total | 1195 | #88 of 58,178 |