
Basic statistics

Score12,697#722 of 57,922
Money$392,600#975 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points33#479 of 1,450
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak4#197 of 57,922
Wins - total662#377 of 57,922
Wins - percentage26.5%#253 of 3,701
2nd531 (21.3%)
3rd343 (13.7%)
4th176 (7.1%)
5th95 (3.8%)
Other129 (5.2%)
Total finishes1,936#752 of 57,922
DNF - total559#507 of 57,922
DNF - percentage22.4%#879 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race141.2#483 of 57,922
Time Trial53.9#208 of 57,922
Stunt1#1273 of 57,922
TV7.5#612 of 57,922
AFK5.2#679 of 57,922
Deathmatch0#3232 of 57,922
Total209.2#452 of 57,922
