
Basic statistics

Score57,914#204 of 57,705
Money$1,547,068#302 of 3,699
Highscore leaderboard points6,035#38 of 1,458
Top 1 highscores5#53 of 179

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak2#501 of 57,705
Wins - total5,118#68 of 57,705
Wins - percentage54.1%#30 of 3,699
2nd1,364 (14.4%)
3rd654 (6.9%)
4th334 (3.5%)
5th225 (2.4%)
Other345 (3.6%)
Total finishes8,040#207 of 57,705
DNF - total1,427#235 of 57,705
DNF - percentage15.1%#1,663 of 3,699

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race570.1#123 of 57,705
Time Trial171.4#77 of 57,705
Stunt2.1#834 of 57,705
TV23.5#301 of 57,705
AFK11.8#398 of 57,705
Deathmatch0.5#505 of 57,705
Total784.2#140 of 57,705
