
Basic statistics

Score11,339#783 of 58,178
Money$39,605#4,863 of 3,704
Highscore leaderboard points680#113 of 1,435
Top 1 highscores2#78 of 167

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak2#502 of 58,178
Wins - total1,057#267 of 58,178
Wins - percentage42.4%#85 of 3,704
2nd513 (20.6%)
3rd161 (6.5%)
4th54 (2.2%)
5th22 (0.9%)
Other19 (0.8%)
Total finishes1,826#797 of 58,178
DNF - total667#439 of 58,178
DNF - percentage26.8%#551 of 3,704

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race156#442 of 58,178
Time Trial88.3#129 of 58,178
Stunt1.8#907 of 58,178
TV11.2#496 of 58,178
AFK1.5#1364 of 58,178
Deathmatch0#3238 of 58,178
Total259.9#382 of 58,178
