
Basic statistics

Score6,470#1,137 of 58,791
Money$249,254#1,367 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points10#841 of 1,428
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak3#297 of 58,791
Wins - total63#1,377 of 58,791
Wins - percentage5.3%#833 of 3,709
2nd141 (11.8%)
3rd158 (13.2%)
4th158 (13.2%)
5th131 (11%)
Other334 (27.9%)
Total finishes985#1,211 of 58,791
DNF - total210#1,081 of 58,791
DNF - percentage17.6%#1,362 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race79.2#735 of 58,791
Time Trial0.5#2445 of 58,791
Stunt0.8#1479 of 58,791
TV6.5#644 of 58,791
AFK2.4#1081 of 58,791
Deathmatch0.4#530 of 58,791
Total90.2#825 of 58,791
