
Basic statistics

Score200,469#33 of 58,791
Money$10,992,725#20 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points7,545#34 of 1,428
Top 1 highscores44#21 of 163

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak8#54 of 58,791
Wins - total19,156#13 of 58,791
Wins - percentage58.7%#26 of 3,709
2nd6,846 (21%)
3rd2,915 (8.9%)
4th1,303 (4%)
5th632 (1.9%)
Other684 (2.1%)
Total finishes31,536#25 of 58,791
DNF - total1,075#290 of 58,791
DNF - percentage3.3%#2,890 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race1736.4#21 of 58,791
Time Trial637.3#15 of 58,791
Stunt66.2#68 of 58,791
TV31.4#253 of 58,791
AFK130.6#49 of 58,791
Deathmatch2.3#120 of 58,791
Total2624.5#34 of 58,791
