
Basic statistics

Score33,330#329 of 58,178
Money$100#48,740 of 3,704
Highscore leaderboard points106#280 of 1,435
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak4#197 of 58,178
Wins - total1,529#215 of 58,178
Wins - percentage25.2%#278 of 3,704
2nd1,142 (18.8%)
3rd739 (12.2%)
4th441 (7.3%)
5th346 (5.7%)
Other838 (13.8%)
Total finishes5,035#329 of 58,178
DNF - total1,042#298 of 58,178
DNF - percentage17.1%#1,411 of 3,704

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race353.9#217 of 58,178
Time Trial50.8#222 of 58,178
Stunt17.3#202 of 58,178
TV30.7#255 of 58,178
AFK25.2#219 of 58,178
Deathmatch0#2057 of 58,178
Total481.7#236 of 58,178
