Basic statistics

Score96,036#104 of 57,695
Money$4,160,143#96 of 3,699
Highscore leaderboard points32#491 of 1,458
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak5#133 of 57,695
Wins - total2,173#166 of 57,695
Wins - percentage17.3%#400 of 3,699
2nd2,077 (16.5%)
3rd1,663 (13.2%)
4th1,306 (10.4%)
5th1,036 (8.2%)
Other3,577 (28.5%)
Total finishes11,832#124 of 57,695
DNF - total729#401 of 57,695
DNF - percentage5.8%#2,650 of 3,699

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race186.2#382 of 57,695
Time Trial4.7#908 of 57,695
Stunt20.7#170 of 57,695
TV11.6#485 of 57,695
AFK25.8#214 of 57,695
Deathmatch0#3223 of 57,695
Total249.6#387 of 57,695
