
Basic statistics

Score15,216#623 of 57,695
Money$795,163#567 of 3,699
Highscore leaderboard points24#575 of 1,458
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak3#297 of 57,695
Wins - total259#677 of 57,695
Wins - percentage10.5%#600 of 3,699
2nd437 (17.7%)
3rd410 (16.6%)
4th301 (12.2%)
5th242 (9.8%)
Other535 (21.7%)
Total finishes2,184#684 of 57,695
DNF - total285#856 of 57,695
DNF - percentage11.5%#2,084 of 3,699

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race153.6#445 of 57,695
Time Trial4#998 of 57,695
Stunt0.1#3725 of 57,695
TV27.7#275 of 57,695
AFK0.4#2692 of 57,695
Deathmatch0#3223 of 57,695
Total189.4#491 of 57,695
