
Basic statistics

Score13,870#681 of 58,791
Money$466,770#872 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points69#327 of 1,428
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak4#198 of 58,791
Wins - total585#416 of 58,791
Wins - percentage25.2%#280 of 3,709
2nd548 (23.6%)
3rd366 (15.7%)
4th179 (7.7%)
5th108 (4.6%)
Other148 (6.4%)
Total finishes1,934#759 of 58,791
DNF - total392#676 of 58,791
DNF - percentage16.9%#1,450 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race143.7#479 of 58,791
Time Trial3.1#1159 of 58,791
Stunt0.8#1459 of 58,791
TV62.3#171 of 58,791
AFK16.1#313 of 58,791
Deathmatch0#3249 of 58,791
Total226.4#432 of 58,791
