
Basic statistics

Score7,541#1,027 of 58,178
Money$404,270#964 of 3,704
Highscore leaderboard points16#692 of 1,435
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak1#1,157 of 58,178
Wins - total17#2,846 of 58,178
Wins - percentage1%#1,234 of 3,704
2nd52 (3%)
3rd64 (3.7%)
4th94 (5.5%)
5th131 (7.7%)
Other860 (50.3%)
Total finishes1,218#1,068 of 58,178
DNF - total491#561 of 58,178
DNF - percentage28.7%#421 of 3,704

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race113.2#588 of 58,178
Time Trial4.9#895 of 58,178
Stunt0.3#2318 of 58,178
TV5.9#671 of 58,178
AFK3.4#873 of 58,178
Deathmatch0.7#335 of 58,178
Total128.7#661 of 58,178
