Basic statistics

Score166,684#44 of 58,757
Money$6,353,219#54 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points450#138 of 1,429
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak3#297 of 58,757
Wins - total4,356#80 of 58,757
Wins - percentage12.2%#533 of 3,709
2nd6,134 (17.1%)
3rd5,053 (14.1%)
4th4,124 (11.5%)
5th3,084 (8.6%)
Other9,044 (25.3%)
Total finishes31,795#22 of 58,757
DNF - total3,998#47 of 58,757
DNF - percentage11.2%#2,128 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race2480.4#8 of 58,757
Time Trial275.7#42 of 58,757
Stunt816.3#3 of 58,757
TV2166.7#4 of 58,757
AFK410#14 of 58,757
Deathmatch69.5#6 of 58,757
Total6287#4 of 58,757
