
Basic statistics

Score30,000#359 of 58,757
Money$1,642,170#290 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points35#452 of 1,429
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak1#1,160 of 58,757
Wins - total50#1,564 of 58,757
Wins - percentage0.9%#1,250 of 3,709
2nd150 (2.8%)
3rd237 (4.4%)
4th337 (6.3%)
5th402 (7.5%)
Other3,795 (70.5%)
Total finishes4,971#331 of 58,757
DNF - total411#646 of 58,757
DNF - percentage7.6%#2,496 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race362.9#212 of 58,757
Time Trial251.6#47 of 58,757
Stunt12.9#263 of 58,757
TV67.5#164 of 58,757
AFK6.5#576 of 58,757
Deathmatch0#2065 of 58,757
Total707.1#162 of 58,757
