
Basic statistics

Score43,560#269 of 57,695
Money$2,803,835#165 of 3,699
Highscore leaderboard points82#310 of 1,458
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak4#197 of 57,695
Wins - total1,555#213 of 57,695
Wins - percentage14.8%#463 of 3,699
2nd1,257 (11.9%)
3rd1,080 (10.2%)
4th756 (7.2%)
5th601 (5.7%)
Other2,013 (19.1%)
Total finishes7,262#240 of 57,695
DNF - total3,275#75 of 57,695
DNF - percentage31.1%#304 of 3,699

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race594.6#115 of 57,695
Time Trial28.4#336 of 57,695
Stunt72.3#63 of 57,695
TV38.7#218 of 57,695
AFK43#143 of 57,695
Deathmatch2.6#98 of 57,695
Total786.1#139 of 57,695
