
Basic statistics

Score7,604#1,024 of 58,908
Money$423,731#936 of 3,713
Highscore leaderboard points4#1,196 of 1,433
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak2#502 of 58,908
Wins - total39#1,778 of 58,908
Wins - percentage2.3%#1,081 of 3,713
2nd113 (6.5%)
3rd124 (7.2%)
4th108 (6.2%)
5th119 (6.9%)
Other792 (45.8%)
Total finishes1,295#1,033 of 58,908
DNF - total435#620 of 58,908
DNF - percentage25.1%#675 of 3,713

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race43.2#1091 of 58,908
Time Trial6.9#755 of 58,908
Stunt0.2#2783 of 58,908
TV0.7#1957 of 58,908
AFK1#1666 of 58,908
Deathmatch0.1#1565 of 58,908
Total52.2#1184 of 58,908
