
Basic statistics

Score85,367#128 of 58,757
Money$3,547,004#120 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points232#182 of 1,429
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak11#25 of 58,757
Wins - total2,528#144 of 58,757
Wins - percentage22.6%#316 of 3,709
2nd1,817 (16.3%)
3rd1,442 (12.9%)
4th1,059 (9.5%)
5th722 (6.5%)
Other2,352 (21.1%)
Total finishes9,920#163 of 58,757
DNF - total1,250#255 of 58,757
DNF - percentage11.2%#2,123 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race460#164 of 58,757
Time Trial48.2#232 of 58,757
Stunt1#1279 of 58,757
TV5.8#681 of 58,757
AFK60.1#104 of 58,757
Deathmatch0#3249 of 58,757
Total575.8#201 of 58,757
