
Basic statistics

Score52,060#228 of 58,907
Money$2,478,035#190 of 3,713
Highscore leaderboard points6#1,053 of 1,433
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak3#297 of 58,907
Wins - total429#508 of 58,907
Wins - percentage4.8%#863 of 3,713
2nd690 (7.8%)
3rd835 (9.4%)
4th750 (8.5%)
5th718 (8.1%)
Other3,778 (42.6%)
Total finishes7,200#243 of 58,907
DNF - total1,675#193 of 58,907
DNF - percentage18.9%#1,229 of 3,713

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race201.6#364 of 58,907
Time Trial0.1#4055 of 58,907
Stunt0#7207 of 58,907
TV1.8#1249 of 58,907
AFK6.4#580 of 58,907
Deathmatch0.1#1565 of 58,907
Total211.1#454 of 58,907
