
Basic statistics

Score13,323#709 of 58,907
Money$1,533,135#308 of 3,713
Highscore leaderboard points16#694 of 1,433
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak3#297 of 58,907
Wins - total152#877 of 58,907
Wins - percentage7%#732 of 3,713
2nd209 (9.6%)
3rd219 (10.1%)
4th190 (8.8%)
5th160 (7.4%)
Other976 (45%)
Total finishes1,906#770 of 58,907
DNF - total263#909 of 58,907
DNF - percentage12.1%#2,022 of 3,713

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race46#1054 of 58,907
Time Trial2.3#1339 of 58,907
Stunt0.1#4724 of 58,907
TV0.8#1897 of 58,907
AFK3.6#850 of 58,907
Deathmatch0.3#754 of 58,907
Total57.1#1121 of 58,907
