
Basic statistics

Score19,802#517 of 58,757
Money$110,229#2,436 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points19#635 of 1,429
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak2#502 of 58,757
Wins - total339#588 of 58,757
Wins - percentage9.7%#630 of 3,709
2nd445 (12.7%)
3rd403 (11.5%)
4th307 (8.8%)
5th278 (8%)
Other1,279 (36.6%)
Total finishes3,051#521 of 58,757
DNF - total445#608 of 58,757
DNF - percentage12.7%#1,950 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race64.8#846 of 58,757
Time Trial7.3#722 of 58,757
Stunt41.6#102 of 58,757
TV2.2#1139 of 58,757
AFK2.9#972 of 58,757
Deathmatch1#256 of 58,757
Total123.9#677 of 58,757
