Basic statistics

Score49,783#246 of 57,922
Money$2,469,254#192 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points36#458 of 1,450
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak3#297 of 57,922
Wins - total474#469 of 57,922
Wins - percentage5.9%#794 of 3,701
2nd662 (8.3%)
3rd684 (8.5%)
4th698 (8.7%)
5th614 (7.7%)
Other4,118 (51.4%)
Total finishes7,250#241 of 57,922
DNF - total766#387 of 57,922
DNF - percentage9.6%#2,313 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race233.8#314 of 57,922
Time Trial12.8#554 of 57,922
Stunt67.8#66 of 57,922
TV18.6#355 of 57,922
AFK37.4#159 of 57,922
Deathmatch2.2#126 of 57,922
Total380.6#286 of 57,922
