Basic statistics

Score154,841#49 of 58,791
Money$7,094,696#43 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points505#133 of 1,428
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak6#93 of 58,791
Wins - total3,705#92 of 58,791
Wins - percentage16.8%#420 of 3,709
2nd3,469 (15.8%)
3rd2,915 (13.3%)
4th2,208 (10%)
5th1,801 (8.2%)
Other5,994 (27.3%)
Total finishes20,092#55 of 58,791
DNF - total1,904#168 of 58,791
DNF - percentage8.7%#2,404 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race406.8#191 of 58,791
Time Trial169.1#81 of 58,791
Stunt21.2#166 of 58,791
TV186.5#72 of 58,791
AFK6.3#584 of 58,791
Deathmatch0.1#1415 of 58,791
Total795.9#140 of 58,791
