
Basic statistics

Score294,109#11 of 57,705
Money$2,254,075#211 of 3,699
Highscore leaderboard points6,721#35 of 1,458
Top 1 highscores3#75 of 179

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak15#10 of 57,705
Wins - total16,373#17 of 57,705
Wins - percentage49.1%#47 of 3,699
2nd6,020 (18%)
3rd3,020 (9.1%)
4th1,845 (5.5%)
5th1,101 (3.3%)
Other2,788 (8.4%)
Total finishes31,147#26 of 57,705
DNF - total2,212#134 of 57,705
DNF - percentage6.6%#2,584 of 3,699

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race657.3#105 of 57,705
Time Trial160.9#84 of 57,705
Stunt40.9#103 of 57,705
TV95.1#125 of 57,705
AFK61.6#100 of 57,705
Deathmatch0.1#1402 of 57,705
Total1025#102 of 57,705
