
Basic statistics

Score75,430#147 of 58,908
Money$187,883#1,668 of 3,713
Highscore leaderboard points169#223 of 1,433
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak3#297 of 58,908
Wins - total1,359#236 of 58,908
Wins - percentage12%#537 of 3,713
2nd2,123 (18.8%)
3rd1,734 (15.4%)
4th1,205 (10.7%)
5th904 (8%)
Other3,277 (29%)
Total finishes10,602#146 of 58,908
DNF - total687#430 of 58,908
DNF - percentage6.1%#2,638 of 3,713

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race553.3#127 of 58,908
Time Trial3.8#1040 of 58,908
Stunt144.5#23 of 58,908
TV83.3#138 of 58,908
AFK27#211 of 58,908
Deathmatch1.4#175 of 58,908
Total817.7#134 of 58,908
