
Basic statistics

Score87,612#122 of 57,906
Money$3,635,734#115 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points1#1,451 of 1,454
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak6#93 of 57,906
Wins - total2,061#178 of 57,906
Wins - percentage17.5%#393 of 3,701
2nd1,769 (15%)
3rd1,454 (12.3%)
4th1,088 (9.2%)
5th772 (6.6%)
Other3,055 (25.9%)
Total finishes10,199#153 of 57,906
DNF - total1,582#211 of 57,906
DNF - percentage13.4%#1,871 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race121.2#547 of 57,906
Time Trial3.3#1119 of 57,906
Stunt3.3#615 of 57,906
TV22.7#311 of 57,906
AFK0.1#3788 of 57,906
Deathmatch0#3230 of 57,906
Total152#589 of 57,906
