
Basic statistics

Score257,383#19 of 57,922
Money$7,701,567#37 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points435#139 of 1,450
Top 1 highscores1#177 of 182

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak7#74 of 57,922
Wins - total7,629#41 of 57,922
Wins - percentage28.5%#217 of 3,701
2nd5,429 (20.3%)
3rd3,205 (12%)
4th1,970 (7.4%)
5th1,304 (4.9%)
Other3,632 (13.6%)
Total finishes23,169#41 of 57,922
DNF - total3,612#60 of 57,922
DNF - percentage13.5%#1,865 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race574.1#123 of 57,922
Time Trial10.9#593 of 57,922
Stunt114#30 of 57,922
TV314#49 of 57,922
AFK466#11 of 57,922
Deathmatch0.7#341 of 57,922
Total1605.1#60 of 57,922
