
Basic statistics

Score201,590#31 of 57,908
Money$43,815,135#1 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points2,394#61 of 1,454
Top 1 highscores4#59 of 184

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak5#133 of 57,908
Wins - total11,532#27 of 57,908
Wins - percentage38.2%#113 of 3,701
2nd7,109 (23.5%)
3rd4,038 (13.4%)
4th2,259 (7.5%)
5th1,319 (4.4%)
Other2,049 (6.8%)
Total finishes28,306#29 of 57,908
DNF - total1,922#166 of 57,908
DNF - percentage6.4%#2,608 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race1510.6#28 of 57,908
Time Trial323.3#38 of 57,908
Stunt11.7#277 of 57,908
TV518.3#29 of 57,908
AFK44#141 of 57,908
Deathmatch10.9#24 of 57,908
Total2450.7#37 of 57,908
