
Basic statistics

Score31,694#340 of 57,906
Money$1,529,455#309 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points55#371 of 1,454
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak5#133 of 57,906
Wins - total543#431 of 57,906
Wins - percentage11.4%#569 of 3,701
2nd664 (14%)
3rd624 (13.1%)
4th608 (12.8%)
5th444 (9.3%)
Other1,547 (32.5%)
Total finishes4,430#370 of 57,906
DNF - total323#781 of 57,906
DNF - percentage6.8%#2,569 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race152.9#448 of 57,906
Time Trial0.5#2510 of 57,906
Stunt0#5228 of 57,906
TV9.8#529 of 57,906
AFK2.2#1114 of 57,906
Deathmatch0.1#1407 of 57,906
Total167.4#542 of 57,906
