Basic statistics

Score98,884#101 of 58,968
Money$4,419,071#92 of 3,713
Highscore leaderboard points8,446#32 of 1,435
Top 1 highscores26#31 of 166

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak8#54 of 58,968
Wins - total8,026#41 of 58,968
Wins - percentage51.5%#43 of 3,713
2nd2,791 (17.9%)
3rd1,126 (7.2%)
4th569 (3.6%)
5th321 (2.1%)
Other368 (2.4%)
Total finishes13,201#104 of 58,968
DNF - total2,395#119 of 58,968
DNF - percentage15.4%#1,634 of 3,713

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race872.6#64 of 58,968
Time Trial471.3#23 of 58,968
Stunt61.4#73 of 58,968
TV339.9#44 of 58,968
AFK6.4#580 of 58,968
Deathmatch1.1#230 of 58,968
Total1772.9#53 of 58,968
