
Basic statistics

Score15,878#604 of 57,922
Money$248,860#1,362 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points47#413 of 1,450
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak1#1,157 of 57,922
Wins - total305#621 of 57,922
Wins - percentage7.8%#694 of 3,701
2nd579 (14.9%)
3rd542 (13.9%)
4th441 (11.3%)
5th388 (10%)
Other927 (23.8%)
Total finishes3,182#500 of 57,922
DNF - total714#409 of 57,922
DNF - percentage18.3%#1,274 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race233.6#315 of 57,922
Time Trial7.9#691 of 57,922
Stunt20.9#168 of 57,922
TV26.1#287 of 57,922
AFK9.9#443 of 57,922
Deathmatch0.7#354 of 57,922
Total299.5#341 of 57,922
