
Basic statistics

Score7,744#1,013 of 58,968
Money$187,708#1,669 of 3,713
Highscore leaderboard points3#1,222 of 1,435
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak1#1,160 of 58,968
Wins - total235#721 of 58,968
Wins - percentage14.6%#476 of 3,713
2nd320 (19.9%)
3rd266 (16.5%)
4th188 (11.7%)
5th153 (9.5%)
Other243 (15.1%)
Total finishes1,405#977 of 58,968
DNF - total205#1,102 of 58,968
DNF - percentage12.7%#1,950 of 3,713

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race95.9#649 of 58,968
Time Trial14.1#525 of 58,968
Stunt4#548 of 58,968
TV1.7#1299 of 58,968
AFK2#1164 of 58,968
Deathmatch0#2068 of 58,968
Total118#696 of 58,968
