
Basic statistics

Score221,878#27 of 57,922
Money$4,244,203#96 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points10,925#26 of 1,450
Top 1 highscores14#39 of 182

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak8#54 of 57,922
Wins - total13,890#21 of 57,922
Wins - percentage34.2%#150 of 3,701
2nd7,130 (17.6%)
3rd3,428 (8.5%)
4th1,979 (4.9%)
5th1,295 (3.2%)
Other3,999 (9.9%)
Total finishes31,721#23 of 57,922
DNF - total8,843#8 of 57,922
DNF - percentage21.8%#933 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race2378.4#10 of 57,922
Time Trial720.2#11 of 57,922
Stunt6.6#390 of 57,922
TV50.1#192 of 57,922
AFK54.9#116 of 57,922
Deathmatch2.7#94 of 57,922
Total3229.8#20 of 57,922
