
Basic statistics

Score188,935#36 of 57,955
Money$9,083,968#31 of 3,702
Highscore leaderboard points18,713#17 of 1,448
Top 1 highscores18#35 of 181

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak11#25 of 57,955
Wins - total9,201#35 of 57,955
Wins - percentage26.7%#249 of 3,702
2nd5,504 (16%)
3rd3,382 (9.8%)
4th2,071 (6%)
5th1,428 (4.1%)
Other3,747 (10.9%)
Total finishes25,333#37 of 57,955
DNF - total9,111#7 of 57,955
DNF - percentage26.5%#569 of 3,702

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race1708.8#22 of 57,955
Time Trial919.8#10 of 57,955
Stunt58.1#78 of 57,955
TV557.2#24 of 57,955
AFK197.7#31 of 57,955
Deathmatch17.6#12 of 57,955
Total3471.1#17 of 57,955
