
Basic statistics

Score51,907#229 of 57,908
Money$1,864,421#259 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points215#193 of 1,454
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak5#133 of 57,908
Wins - total2,303#158 of 57,908
Wins - percentage23.9%#300 of 3,701
2nd1,633 (17%)
3rd1,096 (11.4%)
4th727 (7.6%)
5th512 (5.3%)
Other1,545 (16.1%)
Total finishes7,816#218 of 57,908
DNF - total1,807#177 of 57,908
DNF - percentage18.8%#1,235 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race429.7#178 of 57,908
Time Trial83.4#132 of 57,908
Stunt6.7#384 of 57,908
TV72.1#154 of 57,908
AFK13.8#358 of 57,908
Deathmatch0.4#528 of 57,908
Total641.8#178 of 57,908
