
Basic statistics

Score80,643#133 of 57,705
Money$3,622,494#114 of 3,699
Highscore leaderboard points1,588#75 of 1,458
Top 1 highscores2#81 of 179

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak10#30 of 57,705
Wins - total2,713#133 of 57,705
Wins - percentage20.4%#342 of 3,699
2nd1,644 (12.3%)
3rd1,247 (9.4%)
4th909 (6.8%)
5th693 (5.2%)
Other2,946 (22.1%)
Total finishes10,152#154 of 57,705
DNF - total3,178#82 of 57,705
DNF - percentage23.8%#758 of 3,699

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race267.8#286 of 57,705
Time Trial66.8#162 of 57,705
Stunt26.3#140 of 57,705
TV165.8#75 of 57,705
AFK14.2#345 of 57,705
Deathmatch0.6#434 of 57,705
Total544.1#210 of 57,705
