
Basic statistics

Score60,473#194 of 57,906
Money$940,751#486 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points116#272 of 1,454
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak7#74 of 57,906
Wins - total1,521#217 of 57,906
Wins - percentage15.6%#443 of 3,701
2nd1,161 (11.9%)
3rd866 (8.9%)
4th686 (7%)
5th596 (6.1%)
Other2,763 (28.4%)
Total finishes7,593#227 of 57,906
DNF - total2,143#140 of 57,906
DNF - percentage22%#912 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race114.2#581 of 57,906
Time Trial7.8#698 of 57,906
Stunt1.1#1229 of 57,906
TV0.3#2945 of 57,906
AFK3#943 of 57,906
Deathmatch0#2053 of 57,906
Total126.6#666 of 57,906
