
Basic statistics

Score139,825#61 of 58,746
Money$9,480,359#29 of 3,709
Highscore leaderboard points10,866#25 of 1,426
Top 1 highscores13#40 of 163

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak13#18 of 58,746
Wins - total8,662#37 of 58,746
Wins - percentage46.3%#64 of 3,709
2nd2,945 (15.7%)
3rd1,472 (7.9%)
4th837 (4.5%)
5th513 (2.7%)
Other1,159 (6.2%)
Total finishes15,588#86 of 58,746
DNF - total3,114#86 of 58,746
DNF - percentage16.7%#1,479 of 3,709

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race865.3#67 of 58,746
Time Trial392.7#28 of 58,746
Stunt35#117 of 58,746
TV122.4#91 of 58,746
AFK15.9#317 of 58,746
Deathmatch0.8#292 of 58,746
Total1442.6#72 of 58,746
