
Basic statistics

Score98,850#100 of 57,908
Money$4,433,971#88 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points2,365#62 of 1,454
Top 1 highscores3#67 of 184

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak7#74 of 57,908
Wins - total4,625#74 of 57,908
Wins - percentage28.5%#218 of 3,701
2nd2,812 (17.3%)
3rd1,803 (11.1%)
4th1,127 (6.9%)
5th696 (4.3%)
Other1,895 (11.7%)
Total finishes12,958#106 of 57,908
DNF - total3,280#73 of 57,908
DNF - percentage20.2%#1,080 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race888.8#61 of 57,908
Time Trial239.3#52 of 57,908
Stunt289.5#12 of 57,908
TV107.9#103 of 57,908
AFK53.9#118 of 57,908
Deathmatch4.8#53 of 57,908
Total1589.7#63 of 57,908
