
Basic statistics

Score58,318#202 of 57,908
Money$2,649,603#176 of 3,701
Highscore leaderboard points20#615 of 1,454
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak7#74 of 57,908
Wins - total686#365 of 57,908
Wins - percentage8%#688 of 3,701
2nd1,242 (14.5%)
3rd1,219 (14.3%)
4th1,084 (12.7%)
5th859 (10.1%)
Other2,554 (29.9%)
Total finishes7,644#225 of 57,908
DNF - total902#335 of 57,908
DNF - percentage10.6%#2,197 of 3,701

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race379.2#200 of 57,908
Time Trial22.5#392 of 57,908
Stunt0.5#1842 of 57,908
TV10.3#519 of 57,908
AFK18.3#287 of 57,908
Deathmatch0.6#390 of 57,908
Total504.3#220 of 57,908
