
Basic statistics

Score44,644#264 of 57,376
Money$2,036,668#235 of 3,695
Highscore leaderboard points0Not ranked
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak1#1,156 of 57,376
Wins - total1,493#220 of 57,376
Wins - percentage24.7%#283 of 3,695
2nd1,200 (19.8%)
3rd802 (13.3%)
4th613 (10.1%)
5th389 (6.4%)
Other1,382 (22.9%)
Total finishes5,879#289 of 57,376
DNF - total168#1,268 of 57,376
DNF - percentage2.8%#2,924 of 3,695

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race13.7#2277 of 57,376
Time Trial0#5166 of 57,376
Stunt0#7116 of 57,376
TV0#7677 of 57,376
AFK0.3#2786 of 57,376
Deathmatch0#3210 of 57,376
Total14.1#2622 of 57,376



No top 20 highscores found


Lines sent in chat313#1,670 of 57,376
Chat lines sent per minute online0.371#1,381 of 8,025

Name history

[MAF]knut1c015 Apr 2015 at 10:18pm
[MAF]TheBeast20 Nov 2013 at 05:21am
[MAF]knut1c03 Sep 2013 at 02:50am
knut1c019 Jan 2013 at 04:54pm
[XR]knut1c014 Jul 2012 at 07:17am
[XR]knut1c0[HOF]3 Oct 2011 at 04:13pm
[XR]knut1c010 Aug 2011 at 02:05am
[HOF]knut1c010 Aug 2011 at 02:03am
[XR]knut1c010 Aug 2011 at 12:32am
[XR]TheStig24 Aug 2010 at 08:03pm

Last online: 9 years ago
User ID: 1346
Country: Costa Rica Costa Rica
Clan: MAF