Basic statistics

Score59,276#200 of 58,178
Money$2,152,966#230 of 3,704
Highscore leaderboard points10#826 of 1,435
Top 1 highscores0Not ranked

Race finish statistics

Longest win streak4#197 of 58,178
Wins - total528#435 of 58,178
Wins - percentage5%#847 of 3,704
2nd890 (8.4%)
3rd977 (9.2%)
4th915 (8.6%)
5th803 (7.6%)
Other3,849 (36.4%)
Total finishes7,962#211 of 58,178
DNF - total2,625#109 of 58,178
DNF - percentage24.8%#689 of 3,704

Time online statistics

ModeTime (hours)Rank
Race125.7#532 of 58,178
Time Trial0.4#2644 of 58,178
Stunt7.1#368 of 58,178
TV12.7#463 of 58,178
AFK5.2#678 of 58,178
Deathmatch2.9#90 of 58,178
Total154.6#579 of 58,178
